I knew that this poor plant's condition wasn't entirely my fault. I admit I do not have a green thumb.. never have.. never will.... but , at least now I know why this poor plant isn't doing so great!!!
Some help she's turning out to be!!!!
What other excuses do I get, that I can use in this situation!!! My "children" say they hear me talking.. and I guess maybe they do. Because when we came in from dinner last night, this is the "look" I got!!! Along with the.... "where's your note?... don't you have a cell phone that you know how to use?... you could have at least told me you were thinking about going out!!!... do I need to take the keys for a few days?"
OK, so "case in point" and we are busted!!! However, I will also use this as evidence... that "they" do hear me, "they" know what its like, and "they" expect the same in return....
Just wish the "grounding" applied to housework!!!
the ocean is warmer than the air!!! Today at noontime, it was a "balmy" 8 degrees. So, I ran down to the water, to see if I could get a picture of "sea smoke"... or so we call it. The tide was out, so you may not see it so well, but it's defiantly there, and a true proof as to just how cold it is. Well, if stepping outside didn't that is!!!
Was I complaining that we had no winter?? what was I thinking???
I think she gets a kick out of calling her Mom and bragging on the fine Carolina weather. I KNOW she doesn't miss boots, hats, mittens, and cleaning the car from snow and ice.. I suppose that if you need to live away from home, you might as well be in a place where you can enjoy somethings that you don't have at home.
No wonder that Sadie and Josh can't wait to spend February vacation with them!! Sort of wish that I could go too, but perhaps those plans will come together in April.
In the meantime, I will just enjoy this part of winter.. afterall, it's been a while in coming!!!!
Here at home it's a little different. I had been waiting all weekend for the SNOW that was promised us. First reports were saying 6 plus inches... I was excited.
But at 6:00 am, it proved to be slightly disappointing, instead of a world of white, we have a world of "clear"... ice that is. And as the day has gone on.. its continued to be just that. We did get a little snow mixed in, which has been good, because it has given us some footing. Taking the dogs out has been nothing short of interesting... the words "NO PULL" certainly apply!!! Dog class tonite has been cancelled, I just can't risk anyone getting hurt trying to make their way to dog class... along with the warnings of tree branches coming down and the possibility of loosing power!!
So, its been a bit depressing in the snow department this year in Maine. I know we still have a couple months to go, and we may get something yet... but at this point and time... let's just get on with spring!!!!