years ago, he thought it would be a nice little piece of
equipment for the farm, when we move up there. Month
by month we made the payments and in Sept, we had it all paid for!!!
We kept it at the farm property all summer, and have for all the
summers we owned it. Then in the winter, we would bring it
down here and tuck it away from the bad weather.
Until THIS year. A few weeks ago, we went to bring it home, only to discover that "someone had beat us to it"!!! The gator had been STOLEN from the property!!!
It's shocking to discover something like that. First off, because I don't think of Acton as being a town where things like this happen (course they do, we're in the "real" world afterall), but even more so, that someone we don't know.. has been on our land and knows what we have, and when we are/aren't there.
It also makes me mad, that we are the ones that planned, worked and paid for this little rig, and someone else had the nerve to just step in and take it for themselves!!! And, truth be said, I liked the little thing, and could just see myself using it for farm work, like bringing hay out to the horses, or taking a load to the manure pile!!! Besides, Moxie loved riding in it with me, and we did have a chance to buzz it around the pasture and along the roads at camp!!!!
There isn't much that can be done (sadly). Items like this are usually long gone, once taken. Fortunately Ed had the good sense to keep it insured, so we will get the money for it, and can replace it. But, we learned a tough lesson. And forced our hand to do something that I really felt awful about... placed a huge pasture gate across the drive, with a sign that politely says keep out... "Please stay out of the pasture".... the stone wall that surrounds the property protects the other sides, but the gate seems to make such a strong statement for me!!!
Either way, if anyone sees a vehicle something like this one... we would be interested to know about it.
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