Once a week, whether they like it or not... Sadie "swims her animals" in the bathtub!!!

"AJ" the bunny likes it the most, I think... though her little white guinea pig, Pete, seems to move around the most. She doesn't have the water that deep, so Pete seems to enjoy the "deep end"!!! Bella is her other little piggie, (she's the spoiled one!!).
This past Sunday, Charlie was pretty interested in the swim. I almost wonder if he would have liked to have joined them!!! Charlie loves to swim and in the summer time, he is always the first one in the lake.
I suppose besides from the good exercise, it does keep the animals nice and clean, especially the piggies with their white coats!!! Either way, Sadie says she will do swim time once a week!!!
mom I do not remember you asking my permission to post my pictures on the internet... see what this "blogging" has done to you??
and by the way Bella is not SPOILED!!! she smells great!!
Hope you like the mittens! I hav some handspun, natural yarn that's somewhere between maple sugar and brown sugar in color -- I figured white would be impractical. Since it's handspun, it has its thick and thin spots -- I love the look. Thus far I have one cuff done, but that's all.
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