Because they are so little right now, and don't have all their feathering, they are living in a dog crate in the kitchen....... peeping away!!!!! Actually, they peep so loud, it is sometimes hard to hear the TV!!!!!
Then it was back to "project #436".... remember when we pulled those big shrubs out a few weeks ago, well, we're back to it again (course the sunroom is also awaiting its final touches!!! but there are only so many hours in a weekend!!) Anyways, we decided that we would like to cover up the cement walkway with a nice brick walkway. So, I went with Ed to the brick store, and picked out some pavers for the new walk.
The "new owners" of the house (ie: Kassy) said that she would give us a hand!!! and helped her Daddy unload the bricks from the back of the truck!!! I am glad that she approves of her new walkway!!! Though sh
As with a lot of these types of projects, its the "prep work" that takes us most of the time... here, Ed has the stone dust done and all level, and if you look a little to the right, you will see a nice load of loam (brought to us by Coz) waiting for the walkway to be done. Ed is going to level out the whole front yard, and re-seed. It will look nice to have that all done, because from the old shrubs and just over time, the front lawn is full of dips and pots, that make mowing it....interesting.......
Now, I must confess that I wasn't much help with this project. Missing my mini, Mocha, found me spending the afternoon at the Flagg's, taking a nice hike out thru the woods with Deb and Alison.
But when I arrived home... here is the beautiful job all done and waiting for me!!!! Needless to say, Ed was pretty tired after all that, I did get the lawn mowed!!!.. We still have the rest of the yard to level out, and I promise I will be more of a help on that part of the project!!!!
Ed keeps saying that this is good practice for all the stuff that we will do with the new house. Actually, its quite fun, because it does help me get ideas of what we will be doing up in Acton, and I also have the chance to get back into the "house stuff" stores and see what there is out there. We haven't done that since we bought this house and did all the work..... 25 years ago.... and lots have changed since then.
The next couple of weekends will be spent at camp... so, things will just need to wait a bit around here, again.
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