Ed picked up some fencing and a box so we could "electrify"it (mainly to keep any loose dogs out of Mocha's area) and we used the horse trailer as her little barn at night. It worked perfectly, and she soon became a real favorite on the camp road. Everyone that walked by, stopped to talk to her, and being the social gal that she is.... she loved all the attention!!!!
Then Saturday afternoon, Linda arrived to get Rachael!!! Because of the long trip back and forth, I invited her to spend the night. We had a grand time together!!!! Had a little cookout, went and showed them where the new house will be, and sat by the "cooker" and ate marshmellows for the better part of the evening. Sunday morning, she and Rachael packed up and headed home!!! I still can't believe how quickly the week went, Rachael is a great little gal, and we had such fun together!!!! (didn't we Rach!!!!)
Sunday afternoon turned out to be a family reunion of sorts!!! My cousin Kevin and family, have rented the two camps for the week. They had invited my Uncle and Aunt (my Mom's brother) and all the cousins up for a cookout, so I got on the phone and did the same with my family!!! We haven't all been together like that in ages, and it was great fun!!!! Mocha did some "pony rides" for the little ones (this is Naomi having her first pony ride)... I must get a little saddle for her!!!
It was hard on Monday morning to pack up and head home... back to "real life".... but Dean was waiting at the barn to trim Tonka and Silver's feet, and I had been missing them, so it was a good reason to get back. Since Mocha did so well at camp, and everything went so well, I already have plans to take her back....... as if 7 little spaniels weren't enough!!!!!!
Oh bummer!! I knew we left the camp too soon!! I would have loved to have seen Mocha!! It was an awesome week at camp...and it was so hard to go back home!!
Oh, yeah. I miss that old day. I wish I could stay longer with mom, but daddy said I had to come home because little sister was whining for me. I miss camp, though!
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