Even though I have a million things to do before this trip, and really should have been doing them yesterday... I snuck away for a couple of hours and met with a "spinning teacher". I have wanted to learn how to spin for a long time, I don't really know why... I certainly have "plenty to do in my spare time", but spinning has fascinated me (besides, it will be the perfect excuse to have some sheep when we are on the farm!!!!)Ruth has been spinning for over 20 years and has a huge collection of spinning things... a number of different wheels, all sorts of bags of fibers, carding
brushes from brand new to antique.... and she herself is a wealth of information. We started with carding, (which I have done before), I didn't have any trouble with that and actually ended up with some pretty good "wads" to spin with. Then she showed me how to use a drop spindle, which was ok, but I really wanted to get onto that wheel. After I had the knack (sort of) of the drop spindle, it was onto the wheel. I have to tell you, it's trickier than it looks, she said that each wheel sort of has its own little personality and I think she might be right. "My" wheel wasn't about to cut me any breaks!!!! But after a couple of hours, "we" (the wheel and I) came to an
understanding, and I managed to put a few rows on the spool.
This is what I came up with for yarn. You probably could mix it into a pair of mittens (and I might do that), but I certainly wouldn't be looking for this scane of yarn if I had to buy it in the shop!!!! Ruth said that if you don't get discourage and give up the first time you try spinning, then you will probably become a spinner. Well, giving up isn't what I plan to do, and I have the whole winter to learn. Since Dale and Karen got me knitting last winter, I think I could find a use for any yarn that I was able to spin!!!! Speaking of knitting, I made a pair of mittens out of bits of wool that I had left over from the "animals" I made. They came out kind of funny looking with all sorts of colors, but Sadie thought they were "neat" and "stole them" to use at college. So, my first pair of mittens for the season have come and gone!!!!! That's OK, we have a long car ride coming up and knitting while riding certainly is easier than cross stitch.........
Congrats on your first pair of mittens! Very exciting!! I love making mittens, and you are right about making them with scraps...they are very appealing to kids.
Good luck with spinning...in all your spare time!
So you've been bit by the spinning bug! I'll warn you it's as addictive as quilting. I'm looking forward to seeing your yarn of the future...who knows maybe next time I'm in ME I'll bring my wheel and we can have a spin in! (And don't forget Rhinebeck Wool Festival next Oct!)
Hey! You are not the only one in that problem!!!! I had a hard time spinning, but then I kinda got into it, then it was to knitting, ect...I Momma's going to teach me the drop-spindle, so I can't wait for that! I'll write soon!"
Oh, what fun! The jury is still out as to whether I'll ever learn to spin. I think I'd still rather go shopping for yarn!!
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