If I had to pick one day out of the year to be called "my favorite day".... it would be today... December 23rd, I call it "the day before the day before". My family knows this well, and first thing this am... Kas said to me..."hey Mom, it's the day before the day before!!!" On our way to church, Ed made the same comment, so what's this all about? Well, I adore Christmas, and have been very blessed that it is always such a happy time for me. The only thing sad about it, is ending!!! and when I get into one of my "funky" moods, I realize that Christmas Eve day is the start of the end...... so... I like the 23rd.. a day where Christmas is just around the corner, the celebration hasn't quite begun... it's all in the waiting!!!! After church, Nate, Kas, Deb, Dave, Ed and I all went out for breakfast (took my camera!!!) and we got this cute little family shot!!!! It was a good breakfast and we had a great time all being together.... after we were thru and waiting for the check to come... the waitress came over and wished us a happy day and a Merry Christmas... but had no check!!! The tab had been picked up by someone in the restaurant along with a "thank you" to Nate!!!!!! What a fun way for my favorite day to begin. The rest of the day has been quiet, I finished up a few little things, got the grocery shopping done, and made the final plans for the next 48 hours..... it's been a very good "day before the day before"
Yesterday, Nate went up with Ed and Chris to help out with the barn... the other gentleman in the picture is Ken.... with Chris having to move onto another job, Ed has hired Ken on to help with the finishing up. Kas and I went up about mid day to see how the guys were doing... we made a donut stop for them and arrived with coffee and sweets. They were pretty happy to have a little break. But after a bit, it was time to get them moving again "-) and besides, Kas and I took lunch orders and was going to get them a bite, so they needed to get back at it for a little while anyways.....curious as to what they are looking at......
KASS!!! encouraging them back to work!!!!
(actually, she was teasing Ed about having a pink ribbon on his hammer so he can find it easily!!!)They got a lot done yesterday... the main two beams that hold the walls together are up and in place. When they go back after Christmas, it will be time for the floor joice that will hold up the decking in the hayloft..... the roof can't be too far behind.
"two of my favorite people in the whole world!!!!"Now tell me that people don't look like their dogs!!! (Camille is a real daddy's dog for sure)OHH... almost forgot... Dale wrote me the answer to my blog question... basically, it was orginally called "web log".... and (short side of the story) it got cut down to just "blog".... which, BTW, is considered a real word now and is both a noun and a verb!!!!!
What a wonderful story about your breakfast. We are all very thankful for Nate's efforts as well as the efforts of all who have served. So glad he is home safe!!!
I bet you had a nice day, Miss Sue. Boy, I wish I could have been there, but my parents needed me here. I got two presants done, but one is on hold because of the PRINTER!!! (Mom's presant was going to be a book I wrote, but I typed it on the computer and the ink cartrige was low, so the rest came out gray-stripped. Write to you soon!
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