It's cold and windy... another storm has it's sights on New England... Ed is on his way to the farm, to get the last of the downstair walls in place. I would like to be there today, but in my usual style, I feel like I have a million
Today will be "dog grooming day"... I am usually very careful about this and keep it up to date, it's easy for it to get ahead of me....( with seven to do)... and better to keep it on a routine, but with the trip to NC last month and the "hussle" of the holiday season.. I am behind and the dogs are really showing it. There are two times when I wonder why in the world do I NEED seven dogs... (#1.. trips to the vet and #2 grooming day.) I actually got Cole and Moxie done yesterday.. today it's Camille, Hunter and Trevor... I will have Sadie do Tatter and then the two of us with tackle Tazzy... she can be a bit of horror to do!!!! In my new house, I have a grooming room all planned out, with a high standing tub, good lighting and easy clean up, but for now, it will be done as it always is.
Despite the weather, Ed and Chris have done excellent work with our barn!!!! This is a really big project, and having to remove
snow and cover everything when you are done, takes valuable time out of their day. I only hope Ed really knows how much I appreciate all of this, and I know a day will come, when we will look at all this, and think... it's
"We" have had a few visits from the neighbors, so far everyone thinks the building is beautiful, and not that it's our main goal, but it does fit the landscape and adds to the neighborhood. We want it to have a "real Maine farm look" and I think our goal is in hand.
The house on the other hand, is proving to be a challenge. We met with the builder the other night, and after picking myself off the floor when he presented his price.... we have some major re- thinking to do, including some huge down sizing.
But like Ed says, "it's cheap on paper and that's where you need to begin". We also are going to branch out a little and take a look at some other timber frame companies. There are a number of good companies out there, and now that we have plans in hand... we can go to them and see what they can come up with for numbers. We knew that building a timber would run more and we hate to let that dream go, just yet. So, it's back on the drawing board, and do a little more work. I guess that's the thing about "dreams".... you have to be willing to work, be patient and look at them in a real light, I can do that.
well I have to admit... all your snow is much more beautiful than all our rain. It's 40, raining/tundering (because it was 70) and VERY windy outside... I would asmue this rain is your snow... :) enjoy it!!
see you in a few days!!
I do believe I mean tHundering! sorry!
We went through similar issues when we were designing our house. We started off with Lindahl Homes and had our dream of some sort of post and beam house. When the costs came in we were crushed. Maybe the next house... We love our house, it is what we can afford and will enable us to be debt free by retirement in 10 years or so. Keep the goal in mind! All other decisions will be clear once you have a handle on that. The barn looks awesome!!!!
SWEET SPAWNING SALMON! Your barn looks great! Maybe next year I could come up and help you with your "stuff".
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