Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. but just look at this handsome turtle enjoying his sunrock.... my "Titus"!!! It is still taking him sometime to be totally comfortable in this tank, and it's been hard to get a picture of him sunning, because at the first little noise or movement, he often launches himself off into the water. WHICH is much better than before, because in the little tank when he did that, he often bashed himself into the side of the tank... and a few chips in his shell are tell tale signs of it.... He also has a few chips from his daring escapes... which he can't do from this tank, as the sides are so much higher. I hated it when he got out, for fear that we would never find him again... unless it were too late. Turtles are travelers and the two times he did get out, we found him in the bathroom (two room beyond where his tank was) and under a table in the living room (which we overlooked him twice before actually seeing him there!!!)
Funny how we humans get attached to such things... I mean with the cockers, cats and horses, I can say there is a "real relationship" there, but I don't know if I can really give Titus that much credit.... though, if I do stand by his tank and call his name, he will swim over towards me (I know, he is just looking for food!!!) and IF he is hungry, he will paddle madly in one corner of the tank until I appear and see to his needs. Some of the turtle websites go into all kinds of details with stories of their turtle's and their relationships... there's got to be a little poetic freedom with some of them, if you get my point!!! Either way, I do enjoy watching him swimming about (and sunning) and can appreciate his peaceful world.
and off to "my world"... there are 15 bales of shavings in the back of the truck needing to be put inside......
sometimes my rabbit, Easau, is like that. When he's hungry and I'm nearby, he bounces around until I see to him. A cute little fella, Easau. he was hairy when I got him, and it was thick that he was sweating when I got him. He's a little jumpy, like our alpacas, but he's gentle when you are.
The alpacas are doing okay, as well as my stories. I got a few more pictures, and I think you'll like them if i send them up.
I got my Mom a rabbit 2 years ago for her birthday. Her name if Sophie. She is so sweet. And the cool thing is that she gets along well with our two dogs. Epsecially with our sheltie. You can put them in the dog-run together all day and they don't mind a bit. :o) Sophie loves to come in the house and cuddle or get treats. Lady, our sheltie, loves to play hide-n-seek. If you tell her to stay in a room and we go hide. We'll say "come find me", and the search begins. It's really cute.
If you go to August 2007, you can see myself on it. I'll be thirteen years old this year, July 27, but I do wish I could spend time with Miss Sue even though I'm growing up.
I need to get to homeschool, but I'll write to you, Miss Sue.
(P.S. Keep dad in your prayers, please.)
Hello Blossom:
I just took a gander at your blog and I see that, “Titus” is living the life of ‘Riley’, and they can move a lot faster than some folks think.
I have tagged you to take part in, “Link Loving 2008”, You are invited to visit my Blog for more details.
I’m wishing you a GREAT day….!
Hey Sue,
Oop's, sorry Sue, that Blossom comment was ment for you, I just looked at the wrong name, I hope you will forgive me............please....?
Hey Sue:
I am a little disappointed but Hey.. I won't send the Blog Police after you if you promise to visit every now and
You have a good day too.... JD
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