You head up the stairs.. their door is on the left... Kas has her little wreath hanging on the door.....

Standing in a corner of the living room and looking towards the back is their dinning area....
their kitchen is to the right of the dinning area.. it's small, but efficient....includes a dishwasher, stove, frig.. etc...
they have a nice screen porch which is "behind" the dinning room. Kas often keeps this door open and with the front windows, the apartment stays fairly cool!!!

Now, if you are standing in the doorway into the apartment...looking straight ahead, there is a little hallway... here you can also see some of the bathroom

So, there you have it!!! and now you know what her little place looks like!!! (so does everyone else!!)
It's been a wonderful place for them to start out with.. and though I know they are excited about the move back home, I also know that there will be plenty of things (and FRIENDS) that they will dearly miss. They will have great memories of their first home together!!!
Thanks for thinking of me! I love the apartment--so cute and homey!! Enjoy the rest of your trip. Stay safe :)
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