They had never seen a cat before, so the moment that they arrived, Dancer was a main source of entertainment for them. I don't know how I "lucked" out with her, she is the greatest little cat and from day one, has never let dogs bother her. When we have guest dogs in the house, she introduces herself right from the get go.... and more than not, once the dogs have had a chance to check her out, they don't even think of it again. This is a great experience for dogs that haven't been around cats.... dog training, that I don't have to "do"!!!!
They were "great guests" to boot, such nice puppies and it gave me a chance to get some one on one training in with them...... I am thinking that I will do more "in house" training when we get settled in Acton.... a number of my clients love it when they can board/train all in one... the house right now is a little small to provide that kind of service, but the new house will be better planned out for just this sort of thing!!!!

And speaking of which.... look "who" arrived at the farm this week.... the well driller!!!!! So, we are currently "in search of water".... (actually it's going well ... no pun intended) and by Monday, this will be done.
Living "off a well" is going to be a new experience for me. We have a well at camp, but that's a weekend thing (for the moment)... up until now, I have always had town water!!! Course this is the expensive part, getting the well dug... but once it's in.. there won't be any more "quarterly water bills" to worry about (or sewer bills either for that matter), so that's going to be kind of nice.
This is an impressive machine to watch.. but it's loud!! so you don't' want to stand around (too close) for long. There's a whole science to well drilling... it's quite interesting to say the least. And this well is going to have to meet the needs of both the house and the barn, so Ed and the well man have a "gallons per minute" thing all worked out....glad they know what they're doing, because I don't have a clue.... but to quote a line from one of my favorite movies (Baby Boom).... " I just want to turn the faucet and have water... I don't need to know where it's coming from"!!!!!
Wow! I didn't know those were THAT big!!! probably the biggest thing(s) that I saw is the trains around here.....or the planes....I dunnno, but that thing's HUGE!!!!
P.S., those labraddodles look cute!!!
That cat is worth his weight in kibble!
We have always had wells on our ranches. It is nice not to have to pay for water and sewer, but if the electricity goes out-we are without water because the submersible pumps are electric.
Have you tasted anyone's well water out there? I don't know about there, but here, some well water tastes nasty.
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