My hubby and Ken have this comment that got "lost"...
"it's just a barn" would often be said when making decisions or finishing out a project. But somewhere along the line, "just a barn" went way out the window... and to be honest, this doesn't surprise me one little bit... because I have stated early.. there is nothing "just" when it comes to my hubby.
Ed likes quality and doesn't believe that you invest any of your time to do anything "half well"... it's all or nothing!!!
So, the big debate about what sort of siding would be used on the outside. Under the shed roof where the horses will be (and the tractor, etc will be on the other side) I was happy enough
to leave the "t-111" and just stain it to protect the wood. But on the "face" sides, I thought that shingles would be nice. I guess I like the look because my Grandfather's old barn had shingles and they weathered into a silver gray... I don't remember him ever having much maintenance with them. So, I opted for shingles.

Now, I knew that shingles would be "labor intensive" but I was willing to stain them ahead of time and have them ready when the men-folk wanted them to go up. Ed wasn't so sure about this... and he and Ken went to the "store" and came home with a sample of "vinyl shakes"... of which I wasn't so sure. (mainly because I had a particular color in mind and wasn't so certain they could find it.) Well after some considerations about pricing, maintenance, labor, etc. etc. we went with the vinyl. It arrived yesterday, and nothing doing... I just had to have them put a few courses so I could see what I am "going to have to live with " :-D...... Needless to say, I am thrilled with the "look"... and (yes, sweetheart) Ed was right... once they are up, that will be "it"... we won't have to deal with these babies again.......
wished they would "hurry up" and get it finished........
It looks really nice! I've enjoyed seeing your barn come along through your pictures. :o)
Awesome! I know how you feel, but one thing I want to get done, but you won't find me doing it: getting the highest point of our garage done. (gasp!)
It's JUST a BEAUTIFUL barn!!! We can't wait to see it for real next week!
go check my blog again! I made a new post, but it went under June because it was one I started on Sunday. It's CUTE!
This here barn is so dang fancy,I just don't feel right spittin on the floor!
GEEZ Dave! Nice siding Sue! Very, very nice!
Dave!!!!! you make me laugh......
(hey I wonder if the horses will feel the same way and not "poop" on the floor... wishful thinking)
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