She "discovered" the dog crate tonite after dinner, Tatter (Sadie's little dog) seems more than happy to usher Naomi into the crate... you can almost hear her saying "kennel up, Naomi..... better you than me!!!"

Tatter looks pretty pleased with "her training success"... and is probably thinking... now this is the way it should be.....instead of dogs being "away" from children.. let's put the children "away" from dogs!!!!

Course one big difference... children can let themselves OUT of crates... puppy dogs can't
guess Moxie wanted to see if she had the same training skills that Tatter did.... she seemed pretty pleased that she could "kennel the child" as well.....
oh my goodness!!! That is so cute!! I love the picture of her in the stall!!!! :)
thats too funny! our 'crate' has this notice attatched:
'this is a training tool; it is not a toy. you may not climb in it or onto it. you may not lock anyone or anything in it...no toys, no animals, no brothers or sisters!'
HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!! (all of us kids are doing this!!)
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