the day before....
And here we are again... the third Friday of August, which means tomorrow is the third Saturday of August..... and on every third Saturday of August, is the annual Fireman's Parade and Muster. This is the 90 "something" year that the muster has been held, and with my Dad being a firefighter and my Ed being one as well, it has played a big role in my life and the lives of our girls. Both Kas and Sadie were "Miss Flame" (the mascot of the parade) and for many years, our good friends from Southwest Harbor fire company would camp out in our back yard. All the wonderful memories that it brings back. This year is quite different, for at the moment... I am home alone. I haven't ever been "home alone" on "field day eve"... but, with kids living on their own, and the Southwest friends with older children that keep them busy they are not able to camp out anymore.... things do have a way of changing.
Happily, one thing that hasn't changed is... the polishing of Protection II.... Ed is the "caregiver" to this beautiful antique hand pump, and each year, he brings it out of storage, so that the group that owns her, can get her all shined up for the parade. "She" is own by a group that we fondly call the "red shirts"... and who, at one time (back in the 1800's) were an actual fire company. Today, they are mainly a group of "fire buffs", but they support our fire company, and proudly bring Protection II out and show her off.

The guys were surprised when they came today, to hear about our upcoming move, and were a little worried about how this might change things for Protection II.... but nothing will change. Ed will still be her caregiver, and with Kas and Nate living here in the house, we will still be able to bring "her" here each year for her shine and time to be in the sun. Tomorrow will be the parade, each year it seems to get a little smaller.... which is very sad, but somewhere in this "progressive" world we live in... things like riding a fire truck in a parade, doesn't seem to excite children like it used to. The games that the firefighters do during the muster, gets smaller too..... people don't seem to have time to "play silly games with hoses and water"..... I think I am beginning to have an idea now of how some of the "older people" in my life felt when "things began to change... or.... when I was young we used to......" because I find myself having those same sort of thoughts more and more often. Don't misunderstand me, I like progressive things... computers, blogs, pictures that you can print in a moment, or decide to delete if you don't like them.... but, I also enjoy the simple things... parades, fireworks, ice cream... riding a horse... making a quilt... going to a fair.... and I just hope these things won't be lost in the years ahead. Guess we just have to keep them going the best we can....
I'm with you on the "simple things". I live my laptop and fast internet service and the quick service of picutres too, but I do love me some "old time" antiques too! :o)
Excues me...misspelled something...what I meant to say is, "I LOVE my laptop..." NOT live my laptop! Ha~! :o)
we plan to go see the Tall Ships in Portsmouth tomorrow- im thrilled to be able to show them to the kids! Another example of our nations great history which they wont often have the chance to experience!
Sue, I really miss getting to see you guys at Muster time! Maybe we can figure something out for next year... If you're in your new place, maybe you can camp out with some of us in your old front yard! I'm sure Kas wouldn't mind! lol
(sighs) I would love to go, but I've been picking blueberries, and getting into thorns, so now I have some cuts on my right wrist and on my right hand.
What a lovely and poetic post! Although I'm tempted to stick my finger down my throat every time someone sends me another one of those "remember the '50s" emails (I don't, actually), I do feel like a dinosaur sometimes for liking things slow, simple, personal, and made by hand.
Firemen's musters are a celebration of community, of the type that grows more and more rare as we have less and less community.
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