After we got Mocha settled, it was back down to York to get "the big boys"... mind you, its an hour's ride one way... so just getting Mocha was overall .... a three hour trip.
Again, dear Sadie was there to help. We couldn't leave Teresa's barn with dirty stalls, so once the boys were loaded in the trailer... Sadie and I mucked their stalls, Ed swept the floor and we left the barn... empty... but clean. I felt so bad for Teresa's little mare... Daisy... as she called and called when the boys left the barn... and for the first time in her life, she will be all alone in her own little barn......
By the time we arrive "home"... it was dark.. since we don't have electricity in the barn... Ed fired up the generator so we could have some lights to see by.
I have never seen the barn "lit" before, and it looked warm and cozy... definitely an inviting place to be....

Tonka has been here before (remember we brought him up last spring and did some driving work with Becky and Butch)... so he was pretty comfortable walking into his stall, and checking out the pile of hay that was waiting for him there.

Silver was a little less sure of where he was... but with Mocha on one side of him, and Tonka on the other... it didn't take him too long to figure it that everything will be OK.
I wished I had been able to get them home in the daylight and give them a little tour like we did with Mocha... but that can be done tomorrow....
tomorrow.... I will walk "our horses" on "our land".... it certainly feels just like Christmas!!!!!!

If I reach waaaayyyy back into my brain I can still remember the day you all brought Silver 'home' for the first time! Congratulations
WAAAA!!! I wanted to help bring them in!!!
Maybe next year.
Well, they look really happy there, and I hope Daisy gets another friend...which reminds me. Mom and dad said I could probably get a horse up in maine, and when I go up to your place, I could take care of it...along with Silver, Tonka, and Mocha!
Woulnd't that be cool? no, wait...you'll have to buy it for us, because we're a little busy, and we can't have one down here. Sorry!
HOORAY!! It's so neat seeing a dream come true...and what a beautiful dream it is.
oh Sue I am so excited for all of you!! Happy Freakin Trails!!!!!Cindi
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