Since I have always known that "one day, I will have my own barn"... I have spent "years" collecting things. Some barn items come naturally, just because of the horses, saddles, bridles, blankets, etc.... but other things have to be thought of.... saddle racks, bridle holders, hooks and such to hang things on... and those are the things that I have been "collecting". I have always had the amazing luck of "gifts"... friends and family knowing I need things and getting them for me. One particular gift was from a client. Her husband had passed away, he had been a horseman, and when she was moving, she called one day and said that I would be more than welcomed to "go thru Bob's horse stuff and take whatever I wanted to take". I got all sorts of amazing things, beautiful brushes, whips of all kinds, leather halters and leads, all kinds of "hooks and such" for hanging things, a nice little tack trunk....I was beyond thrilled and she was too, knowing that "Bob's things" would be greatly appreciated and used once again.

And so, today, Ed and I began to plan out the tack room and get some things put into place. I still need a few items at home, where the horses still are... but some things can go into the new barn. Here is Mocha's saddle and bridle.... and Silver's as well. We don't ride Silver anymore, at nearly 30 years old, his riding days are over, but I have his saddle and bridle and will keep them. We still have a lot of other things to get into order... harnesses for Mocha and Tonka.. and of course all of Tonka's stuff when he moves in... but it's a good beginning. Sammy was a "big help" around the barn today....he has certainly begun his role as "barn cat" !!!!
Speaking of barn cat... Sammy has settled in so well, that we

The other nice thing, is Sammy could care less about Moxie... and of course, all our dogs have always been raised with cats, so they don't bother either. Moxie was rather concerned with Sammy out and about, and for a while she kept an eye on him... making sure he was alright. Tomorrow I think we'll bring Camille out with us... she loves kitties, and will probably try to "mother" Sammy. I don't think Annabelle is so keen on dogs, but I know they will be gentle with her.
Did some more painting and getting little things in place .. like door stops, and handles put on.. finishing touches...... it's getting close.....
It looks great mom! Sammy is such a cutie I am in love with already! I can't wait to meet him!!
Two weeks for you...
Three weeks for us!!! :)
The barn looks awesome, Sue!!! (can't wait to get the horses in, huh?)
I can't wait to read what Cam will do to Sammy!
Hooray!!!!Sammy looks right at home already, I love the pictures of him, he looks like a grey version of Garfield! The barn looks wonderful, too! WHat fun we had last night, what a thunderstorm and heavy rain on the way home, though! See you soon, Deb
Wow, it must feel nice to finally be reaching the settling-in stage in the barn -- and even nicer that Bob was able to help in his way. I had to grin seeing that Moxie has already made herself at home.
I think Sammy will be a great barn cat... and dont worry about moving in! everything will be great! when is dad going down to NC? I will come help you out while he is gone. ~Sadie
I love your dog beds - having one out in the tack room is a nice idea. Good luck finding places for everything as tack multiplies when we are not looking!
It's really starting to look finished. I'm glad Sammie has settled in-hoping Annabelle will adjust too. Poor thing!
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