You know it's wet when even the mushrooms can't survive...Ed and I took a walk out in the woods yesterday and I noticed the mushrooms are rotting on their stems. It hasn't been a "great summer" weather wise and I feel bad for people who are trying to vacation or/and spending big money at the motels near the ocean.... it has to be a let down for them.
Ed and Ken got a gate up today. We had to think this thru as well, remember the snow we had last winter??? All that sort of thing has to be taken into consideration as well. We have two 10' gates "under" the shed roofs, this way, both can be swung back so Ed (or me) can get the tractor in for plowing. We think this idea will work, but we'll certainly know more when the winter time comes!!!
And I have just "one little problem" in the barn....
There are four completed stalls..........
and three horses moving in.....
What to do?????
Somehow I think that little extra-stall problem will solve itself very rapidly!! Sorry about the weather - it should be a beautiful fall though, with all that rain.
oh oh, (waving hand in air) I know what you can do about that extra stall!!
Thanks, Miss sue for letting Mom and dad get away. They're going to be bringing Jon-jon with them, so thanks a bunch!!
We'll be looking for that elephant for the spare stall! LOL
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