House!!! The truck arrived bright and early this morning with all the timbers for the house. Since the drive was too tight of a turn, it was just as easy to bring the "lull" out and grab the bundle of timbers and bring them into the house site.

Ed couldn't help himself and had to open one of the bundles and take a peek. They are beautiful and smell so good!!!
The "builders" got the cellar walk out wall framed up yesterday. Today was a lot of "fuss work".. just getting everything measured and plumbed... when I left this afternoon, they were beginning to get the "deck" put on the foundation.

Course you always have to have a little "playtime" on the farm. Ed's little John Deere tractor has been acting up. He's pretty sure that it's just a matter of old gas, but still the ol' gal wouldn't start. Being a "crank start"... it would have been alot of work to get her going... so, brother Bill brought up his old tractor.. and with a bit of pulling and some fresher gas....
he got her running again!!!
Yay! I love seeing all the progress :)
your dream house is on that truck!! :) how cool is that?
Everything is looking great..you must be so excited Cynthia
Yeah...John Deer! ;o)
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