For the most part, I would say that I recognized everyone, and if it "did take me a second".. it was mostly because I hadn't seen that person since graduation. I think, too, that just about everyone looks the "same".Naturally there were a few special people that I was looking for. A few were there, and a couple were not, but because of all their work, Cindy and Marty put together a small booklet containing email address ... so, hopefully, I can to a little connecting on my own.
I was very happy to meet up with Chuck!!! who, by the way, was my senior prom date!!! Chuck is such fun, and is the kind of person who everyone liked and was everyone's friend. It's kind of funny how we ended up going to the prom together and actually it was his sister's doing. I was dating another guy who had already graduated from high school, and when I asked him if he would take me to my senior prom.. he promptly said "no way am I going back there"...so I figured that I would just have to skip out on it (Ed told me years later that I should have asked him to take me... he would have gone!!!!) But either way, I was pretty sure that I would miss out on my senior prom. Well, Chuck's sister Mary was in a few of my classes, and when she heard that I didn't have a date, she said... you should go with Chuck..he doesn't have a date either!!!! I guess she must have said the same thing to him, because he did ask me to go.... and much to the dismay of my "then" boyfriend, I said yes that I would love to go.... I really didn't want to miss out on my last prom.
To be honest, I don't remember much about the senior prom... but I do recall we had a fun time together and I was always grateful to Chuck for taking me!!!! We saw each other ten years ago at our 20th reunion, and found that we were both on the "same time line" with life... married, raising kids, paying a mortgage and enjoying life. Last night, we "compared" notes again and find we are still on the same track... still married to our wonderful spouses... kids mostly out of the house (Chuck and Cindy kids at college) and talking about retirement and what we have done and where we are going!!! I now have his email (and promise to send him the blog address.... Hello Chuck, if you have gotten around to reading this!!!) and I am in hopes that it isn't going to be another 10 years before we can visit again!!!
As "typical" with life, some of us still live fairly close (people were "shocked" to know that Ed and I have left town!!!) some have moved very fair away. Some are still with their first spouses and other's aren't... kids range in ages from very little (2 and 3 year olds) to college/married/grandchildren age!!!! But all in all, we were very happy to be together again for a special evening of good food, visiting and dancing. For the most lot, I would say we are all very happy and doing well......and it was certainly a fun evening and one to put into the "memory book".
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