The guys didn't get as far as they hoped with closing in the building. All last week, they fought against the wind, and a couple of times, I nearly held my breath as they were getting big panels up. The cold hasn't really helped either.. it's hard to work fast when you are chilled to the bone. I know they are anxious to close it in.. that way they can work out of the wind as well. But, they are making progress and the house is beginning to look like a house.
Being Saturday, our dump was open today... it's open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays this time of year. For some reason, making a dump run isn't any big deal, and that's kind of funny in it's own way. See, when we lived in York, there was curb side service on Wednesdays... so all I had to do was pull the trash buckets out to the road. But it always seemed like such a project!!! For one thing, you had to get it out early or you might miss the truck. If you missed, then you were stuck until the following week... and I can't even tell you how many times, I "forgot" it was Wednesday, and went flying out when I heard the truck at the end of the road.
When we moved here and I realized that I would have to get the trash to the dump, I was worried about that, loading the trash, driving to the dump, making sure I knew the days and hours it was open, I didn't think I could handle that... especially since I had "such a time of it" just with the curb service. But, it's turned out to be really quite ok... I usually go on Mondays... the dumb is quiet and really it isn't that far from the farm. The drive out to it is a pretty one, going past a number of farms, and small ponds. The dogs have gotten into the habit of making the dump run with me and they love it. The "dump man" always has cookies for them and they get so excited as we turn in. And the "dump man"... what a funny guy he is. He has a long white beard... and sort of looks like a troll.. but he has the best laugh and always something wonderful to say when you pull up. As I said, he loves seeing the dogs, and they no longer bark and guard the truck, but eagerly jump to the window for their treats. I also see alot of "town folk" at the dump and often run into neighbors who have questions about the progress on the house or how the horses are doing. So dump runs have kind of become a "thing that do you". I didn't take all the dogs on today's dump run (didn't have time to go last Monday) only Moxie was with me, (it was almost too cold to have her in the truck, but she insisted on going), the "dump man" was quite disappointed to only see one dog in the truck, and told a few others that were there..."she's the gal with the six dogs!!!"

The last thing I want to "blog" about this evening is my popcorn popper!!! I feel a bit guilty that I haven't spoken of it before. See, popcorn is one of my favorite treats, but I like "real" popcorn. I mean the microwave kind is fine in a pinch, but I like the kind made in oil. I had been making it on the stove top, but I either burn it a bit or don't get the portion right making either way too much or too little. So, Ed went online and found me this wonderful popcorn popper!!! You put a little oil in the bottom, a rotating arm pushes the kernels around, and when its done, you flip it over and have your popcorn in a bowl. It make the most wonderful popcorn with the best taste.... and I nearly have a popcorn feast every evening!!!
1 comment:
Okay, where can we buy a popcorn popper like that one? I love real popcorn too!
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