As usual, my little sidekick, Mox went with me... we had to "walk" in, because the drive way is such a mess!!! The digger had to dig it up for the electric and then the rain came on Tuesday, and made everything a mucky mess. I could drive the truck thru (and have), but Ed has to fix this and I just thought it best not to chew it up anymore than necessary.
Walking up towards the barn, a "story" came to my mind.... from about the age of 8 until I was 13, I would beg my parents for a horse. I got the usual reasons "why not"..... couldn't afford one (and that was the truth!!) didn't have the land for one, and horses are alot of work. I can remember my Mom telling me that a horse would be an every day job... that meant even on holidays!!!! "You would have to feed a horse and clean it out, EVEN on Thanksgiving and Christmas" I could just hear her saying. Well, she was (is) exactly right, because even though I had guests coming today... time had to be put aside to attend to the needs of my beautiful equines!!! However, the part of "a lot of work" has never really occurred to me.... yes of course they take up my time... but somehow when you love it so much... the word "work" doesn't really apply!!!

And just look at these two rascals!!! I was actually a little late getting back to camp, because of the usual "wasting of time" at the barn. I spend more time just watching and enjoying the beauty of these guys... that time has a way of racing past me!!!

This will be my most favorite photo of the day!!! "Our" kids and grand dogs!!!! It is a rare treat that I have all of them together, so, they probably all figured that Mom would have to have a photo opt today!!! (besides, I think will make a grand Christmas card photo!!!)

and our little niece.... she is certainly "TWO" now, and all that comes with that. But what a dear dear little girl ... and not just because she is ours!!! She was so excited to go out on a walk with her cousins and dogs!!!
The day was simply wonderful... Ed is still not feeling great, but definately better than yesterday. Besides the kids and grand dogs, my parents were here, and my sister, Rachel. We had such a nice time, sitting and talking and being togehter... certainly a time to be extremely thankful!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's, Sue. Hope Ed is feeling better. The house is looking great! I'll have a long post coming up soon. We've been crazy busy! ~Traci~
I love all the photos but especially the kids-n-dogs, and the beautiful horses in their pasture! Hope it was a great day for all.
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