The "big guys" were very interested in our project, Ton
ka was certain he could help me (or maybe he just thought that bag was full of treats!!!) Duke and Silver kept a careful eye on Ed... just to be sure that he was doing "his part" correctly!!!!

Once we let Mocha
out of her stall, she went to her place of "escape" and found she could no longer get thru....
she was NOT a happy campers, and began to tear up and down in her paddock... "Miss Attitude!! ( or "Tude" for short!!) well, just too bad....one thing about these "minis" they are all horse... and they don't let you forget that for a second.

We had a number of visitors on the farm today... Chris and Lisa took a drive up to see us, and while they were there, a neighbor popped in to see how things were going. Then Ken (who helped Ed build the barn last winter) popped over with a friend of his... so all kinds of going's on. And there is one sad note to share... we lost another guinea hen. Two of them have been outside for the past couple of nights, and this afternoon, I found them both. One was still alive, but sadly the other had been grabbed by a hawk (I found what was left of her)... I am hoping the one alive will "make it" she was pretty cold when I finally got her in... silly birds, I don't understand why they decide not to come in some nights.... any ways, that takes us down to four of the original seven... I hope I won't lose any more....
oh my gosh- what a character! Silly little girl though throwing a temper tantrum might "fix" the fence! poor pony. ps- love that color on Silver- how handsome!!
I've also got a chicken out that I cant seem to catch, and when i do- she flies the fence, even though ive trimmed her flight feathers. i hold my breath every morning! fool birds, why do they do this to us??
Oh my word, Sue! HOW FUNNY! I laughed so hard at the video of Mama Mocha! Alice must be eating her Wheaties as well, she was tearing around the paddock today, too. And Buddie thought that he was in the rodeo as a buckin' bronco. See you soon! Deb
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