Here comes another ... I knew that winter wasn't done yet, Mr. Groundhog was right!!! We're suppose to have a storm coming in tonite with a possible 6-10 inches of snow... unless it takes "another track" and brings rain... I'm for rain, even if it does mean a muddy barn yard. Course the good thing is, these storms usually blow thru quick and the snow is usually gone (or at least down) within a week... not like the storms that come in November!!! The grey sky, the wind picking up and the drop in temperature pretty much says it all. Chances are the guys won't be up to work on the house, and I am pretty much planning on a "in house" day.....On a "brighter" note... the plumbers came today and began to "rough in" the plumbing... they were working on the upstairs bathrooms.
Now, maybe it's easier to see why you need that "false floor" in these timber frame homes. This is the first of "inside" work that has begun....

Just thought the bathtub looked funny sitting in the bedroom.....
here's an "inside shot" of Ed's wood working shop... no roof yet, but the blue sky made a pretty background ..for now.
And this is Eric and Steve, cutting rafters for the roof. Looks like that will be next week's project as the weather will put them behind for this week...
oh well, it's all progress, even when it seems slow...
Even though the storms down here get BAD, I'll still take them over the snow. I remember all too clearly the frustration that this time of year would bring, and the busy insanity of it too, since we had about 3000 taps on sugar maples. Ugh... don't miss THAT one tiny bit either! LOL
I'll think of you Sue, and hope that the snow GOES AWAY FAST!!
As to our Attack Weenie Dog, Princess Puppy Bitsy, we just adore her. She is The Best little girl! And at least she BARKS! LOL... Not MY dog- the BIG dog-- oh no. My Dog will come and HIDE from strange noises outside. Bless her heart though, she too is an awesome girl, and we love her tremendously.
Stay warm Sue!!! And pats and rubs all around to your crew!
ok- I give. whats the story behind the pine bough?!
LOL Sue.. my Dear Husband saw the pic of your big beauty in the snow and he shivered. SHIVERED!!! Then when I told him about the snow y'all are expecting...hehehe... the man- who says he would LOVE to live back in snow country again- had to tell me how thankful he was to be here in the Southland...
Will keep sending warm thoughts your way!!
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