So, what's happening with the house. First off, I can't say enough good things about Ken, Eric, Buzz and Steve... they have hardly missed a day of work. And when they arrived on Monday, and saw all the snow... they just shoveled their stuff out and got right to work once again!!! They are amazing... the good news, is, there will be no more snow in Ed's workshop as the roof is on it now.
They still need to "tie in" the mudroom part of the roof, but everything is in place now. Once the trim work is finished up, they can begin the shingles... and that will make such a difference.

It's a wonderful HUGE space, I keep thinking it would make a fine training area!!!! Ed offered it to me several times, and I kept saying NO.. that I didn't think I would want to offer dog training classes on the farm... but after seeing this space, I am having second thoughts!!!! Course, now he tells me "too late".. you had your chance, it's "my workshop now".... but, we'll see, could be he won't need all this room and I could have a little corner if I wanted!!!! The downstairs is just as big, so, I could move a few cars out, and use that space if I really wanted to....I guess time will tell, who knows what it will really be like until we actually are living here....
I think you are right on- you'll have to live in the space to really see how it feels. and i certainly agree that you should have a dedicated spot to work dogs... theres just no way youll not need it! But Ed does need a spot for his stuff too- how about a training arena in the basement?!
Awesome! If Ed doesnt have enough projects to fill the space I can surely help...
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