Sometimes, as I am rushing about, trying to "fit everything into that certain time slot"... trying to cope with the "stresses that seem to be thrown at me lately".. I forget just how blessed I am. And today, as I was yet again, rushing about, I looked over and saw Titus.... all stretched out, enjoying "his sun"... taking life as it comes. Now, I know that my dear turtle doesn't have to worry about the light bill (so that his sun light will stay on) or that the water level in his tank stays up, or that he has food coming... he just trusts that "it will be provided for".. and guess what... it is. So, my lesson of the day via my turtle.... "don't' worry about tomorrow, for it will take care of itself.. and the Good Lord knows what I need to get thru today.... "thank you Lord for taking care of today... and "we'll" handle tomorrow when it gets here".....
Last night was graduation night for the Tuesday classes. I am so grateful for my "work".. and I love watching how the dogs and humans progress over the weeks. I had some "different" breeds this go round, everything from a Great Dane to a bulldog!!!and almost everything in between....
Dane to beagle.... "you run, I'll run... why do we have to sit here?"
It was great fun!!!!!
I have a couple of dogs here for boarding, So, after class it was dog walking time and out we went. As they were "sniffing" about the yard, I could hear "an animal" rustling about -down near the lake. I didn't think too much about that, until it sounded like it was getting closer. I wo
uld have loved for my two dogs to do a little barking... but the cowards... ran to me instead!!! Then out of the corner of my eye, I could see something climbing up a tree very close by. I ran in and called to Ed, he grabbed a flashlight and turned on the big flood lights...
I ran up on the upper deck of the camp and look what we "caught"... a big ol' porcupine!!! just outside the camp!!! I don't think he was too impressed with all these lights shinning on him, and the flash from my camera... but he sat and looked at us and waited for all the "fuss" to calm down.... course, he presents a "problem" in that I don't dare let the cockers out loose at night... guess we will have to get our pen brought up here and put it up... which we have been talking about doing anyways....
so, we have had a "hootie in the house"... now a "piney in the tree".... what's next.....(or dare I ask)
Love your picture of "Titus". :o)
A lesson I certainly needed a reminder on today- thanks Sue.
Good old Titus! Little does he know that he provided us all with our daily devotions today!
Ahhhh.....a piggy in the tree! Ours has moved on, I keep looking for her on our daily explores but she's not to be found. They're funny little critters! Ours was always way up in the tree, just curled up sleeping or nibbling on the hemlock branches. I'm kind of sad that she's moved on.
Thanks again for the great lesson, Sue! See you soon! Deb
Oh Sue as usual you are inspiering!
And that puppy class looks like it was a lot of fun with all the different breeds... just makes you want to take them all home HA?
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