The cockers have pretty much run loose all winter, except for the occasional "busy weekend" of ice fishermen and snow mobilers, they have owned the road. Hunter did "take off" every now and again, but the trolley line we put up for him curbed that. I would let him loose until he "goofed" and it would be back on the run for awhile, he seemed to get the message. But then we ran into mr. porcupine, and now with the lake getting soft, I have this fear of letting the dogs loose. So, we went and picked up a dog kennel from the old house and have temporally set it up. The cockers aren't too happy in losing their free range, but now I don't have to worry, and it won't be long before we will be next door again, and they will be back on the invisible fence. This of course, will mean, that I "owe" them walks since they can't run.. but, I should be out walking with them anyways.

The guys have gotten so much done with the house this week. Even though we had the high winds yesterday.. they managed to finish the shingles on the back side, and today it was "all about windows"... they put the two upstairs bathroom windows and the back bedroom window in. Then they dropped the staging and began on the living room windows and the back door that will (in time) walk out onto the deck. Now, I get excited when I see "holes" being cut in my house!!!!
The afternoon sun came pouring in!!! There is going to be so much sunlight in this house and that really makes me happy. I just love a house that is bright!!!!

It was fun to watch the windows going in... poor Ken and Eric, I was almost "underfoot" watching them work today.

Such a different look to the house now. I have taken this shot before (from the living room looking towards the kitchen area)... but the sunlight makes all the difference.

This is the view we will have from the living room and kitchen... looking out into our back yard!!! We plan on thinning a lot of the trees, because there is a great old stone wall that marks one of our boundaries... there is also a deer run, and we would like to be able to see both. A good portion of the yard will be fenced for the cockers (and other doggie guests)... and who knows, the idea of a doggie day care might come into play as well. I have all sorts of "plans" for this house, but we'll need to get into first!!! and those days are getting closer all the time.......
Ken was talking with Ed and it seems that "Timberpeg" wanted to know if we were willing to have an open house. I guess they like to "show the houses off" unfinished, that way future clients can see their houses at the bare bones... so, we think that we might plan something for the middle of May.... I will keep my faithful blog readers up to date, because if we do have this event... you will certainly be invited..... keep an eye open for details.
Mom the house looks awesome!!! The more you get done the more excited I am for you!!!!!
oh my gosh- that shot of the fireplace with the sun is amazing. what a treat it will be to sit in the winter and bask!
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