Today, Tonka and I had our first riding lesson of the season, it was wonderful to be on him once again, and I have to say, he was such a good boy!!!! I haven't ridden since last fall, and he hasn't been on the trailer since we moved to the farm, so I was wondering how it all might go. He loaded like a pro with just a bit of encouraging from Ed standing behind him. That was a good thing, because our neighbor, Dusty (the gal that does the horse photos) was there. She called this morning to ask if she could "use the barn for a shoot" and when I told her, "sure, but I won't be there as I have a lesson".. she then wanted to come and take a couple of photos of Tonka loading on the trailer. She keeps a whole file on all sorts of "horse things" just in case she is ever called for them. I was so pleased that he was a good guy and got right on... not just for Dusty, but just because.
He seemed pretty happy to be at Laura's again (he knows this place well) and we got right to work. Aside from the fact that he is out of shape (and so is his Mom) he was very good and did everything that was asked of him. We even did a bit of canter work, which is where we had left off last fall. I had about a hundred layers of clothes on... it was a cold day, but at least the indoor keeps the wind out!!! Both Tonka and I were pretty warm by the end of the lesson, but I am glad that I didn't dress any lighter.
We're more than likely to get a little more winter weather (we're not out of the woods until April) but today... for me at least.... spring has begun.....
And look for Silver's "hollywood moment" in a future blog.... he was in Dusty's photo shoot today......
Yipeee! What fun to be back in the saddle. Now if only Beau were sound we could meet to practice! soon, very soon i hope- let plan to get together then!
I'm glad it was a good experience. It's always easier to feel confident about each ride when the first one of the year is so successful.
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