We have a star in our midst... this month's issue of the "Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar" has some mighty fine articles and information.. as usual. But one in particular is...

OUR wonderful ol' boy Silver!!! well.. the article isn't about him, it's about contracts and boarding issues and the like... but the picture that goes with the article is of Silver!!!
As you all know, our neighbor Dusty is a photographer, and she asked if she could set up a shoot in the barn. I wasn't even going to be home, so I told her, "go ahead and use anything you want".... well, what she decided to "use" was Silver. She said he was the perfect model and there is a good chance that he will be in future shoots....
So, now, Mocha, Tonka and Silver have all had "Dusty photos"... hope they aren't subbing Duke too much!!!!! (oh if you happen to pick up a copy of the magazine... Silver is on page 30!!!!)
Im running out to get a copy now! Ok, not right now, but soon! How exciting!!!
WhooWhooo....he's famous!! Very cool and a very nice picture of Silver!
That is so cool! Make sure he gets a good agent! Check those contracts! And watch the paparazzi! ;)
Yay Silver! He's such a good looking horse! Dillon still has his picture of his first horse ride!
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