This is Rick and his beautiful boxer, Mindy....this past weekend, they attended a two day seminar and Mindy is now an official therapy dog!!! She and Rick passed the course and test that is sponsored by Therapy Dog International. Rick already has some ideas of "where" he and MIndy will be "working"... so I know there are going to be some pretty wonderful stories to share in the near future!!!! Congratulations to you both.... excellent work!!! (and I am sure that Kelli and Gus are very proud of you two....)

And this is Oliver!!! who is owned by another student/friend of mine. This weekend, Mary and Oliver were entered in a two day dog show, working on their second Rally Obedience title. Mary has reported that not only did Oliver earn two legs in the Advance Rally class, but he placed first on Saturday and third on Sunday!!! This is a long way from the puppy class that Oliver did with me, but I am so proud that I am a part of his obedience career....Excellent work you to go for that second title!!!!
Told you I had the best job!!! Stories and "reports" just like these make me so very happy.... and I just had to share them with all of you!!!!
Thank you Sue, We never would have made it this far without your guidence and love for dog's.
I am still chatting with the instructor on how to go about getting started properly... theres alot of prep before you actualy get going.
I rember Mary & Oliver from CGC class they are great and great together AWESOME job, Rally takes alot of time...
we love our graduate very much!!
Thank you Sue! We never would have gotten this far without you and your support.
Congratulations to your two students! I would love to have a therapy dog, I would think it would be so rewarding to see the faces of the people when the dog was brought in to see them. When my mom was in the nursing home after surgery there was a little dog that came in regularly and it brought such a smile to the patients faces.
Glad you had such a nice Easter. I too wish the churches were so full all year round and not just on the special occasions.
Your little escape artist is so cute! We seem to be getting more and more minis around here all of the time. A friend of mine has seven! There used to be some here in the neighborhood years ago and I still miss them.
Yes, the Muddy Rudder is a nice place to eat, we go there every Sunday after church. :o)
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