This evening, after work, Betty stopped by the barn. Ed had gone down to his office and then to the fire station for some training with the new truck, so I actually had an evening home alone. (which is nice after being out all week). I decided to leave the horses out as long as possible, and just as I was headed down to the barn... Betty called.
She has been working on a "project" and was quite anxious for me to see it....
beautiful green sweatshirts with......

our farm logo embroidered on them!!!! She also has another "project" that she's done... but I can't share that with you just yet...... it's a surprise for another time.....
Since it was such a nice evening, and we both had the time, we decided to do some ground driving with Mocha. Last Monday, Betty had the day off from work, so we got Mocha out, and did some round pen work, ground driving and even actual driving with her. She was wonderful and I should have taken some photos of Betty driving Mocha in her cart. We were both so excited and felt that finally Mocha is getting the hang of all of this driving stuff...
Tuesday was a rainy day, so I didn't get Mocha out (I am trying to get her ready for the driving clinic in June)... but yesterday was nice and I asked Sadie if she would do some work with Mocha and I. Well... let's just say, it didn't go nearly as well as it had on Monday, in fact Mocha was next to horrid!!! She wouldn't listen, wouldn't stand, wouldn't go forward.... and even pitched a little fit in the cart!!! It' didn't get her out of her work, but I wasn't too encouraged after that.

She was better this evening as Betty took her around the field. She was still a bit fussy in the beginning, but we just worked her thru it, and she did settle in better towards the end of the lesson.
Guess we just need to keep her moving and working, I know she would rather be in her little stall and hanging out with the big guys... but heck... she's got to "earn her keep"...... (sorry Mocha)
Mom those sweatshirts are soo cute! What an awesome idea!
Sue! That sweatshirt looks amazing! Bet it gets you lots of attention, and leaves a lasting memory in folks minds.
And look at the house!!! Wow!! Things are coming along so well there. This whole journey is awesome to follow!
And sassy little Mocha... too cute. My money is on you getting her convinced that she can do her pulling job most excellently ;)
True friends are a gift... Bless you both!
What a great job Betty did! Very nice!
Hi Sue! What CUTE shirts! Nicely done, Betty!
Oh, that Mocha....She has passed her PMS on to the next generation, Alice! PMS is "Prissy Mare Syndome" but the "P" can be substituted as "pretty,perfect,precious, predictable, precocious, persnickety, pesky, etc., the list can go on. But, you catch my drift! I had hitched Alice up to her cart and lead her, ground drove and drove in the cart and she was PERFECT. But then, the next time, she pitched a fit and she wound up being worked even longer and harder so as not to get away with a bad 'tude. One of these days, she'll get it! Is it a mare or a mini thing? hmmmmm.....
Hey Deb. well not having owned either before (mare or mini) I guess it's a bit of both.. sorry for the "passing the gene thing", but at least like Mother like daughter!!! and we can "cry on each others shoulders!!!" :-)
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