We set the dinning room up with some snacks... the first of many meals to come in this room!!!!

And we tried to make sure that we had chairs for people to sit.... not too fancy, but they worked. We also had the woodstove chugging, because the day was cool, and several times I saw groups of friends hanging around our stove.... again the first of many I hope... there is nothing like seeing friends hanging around your woodstove!!!!!

Course, the "open house" turned more into an open farm, because some of our friends had not seen the barn in a long time.... so there were several "barn tours" as well. The horses thought this was pretty grand... they love company, and if they were outside, they would come running in to meet the next group of folks that were "touring" the barn.

And then another surprise guest..... this is Scott and Cooper!!!! If you read back about a year ago, Cooper was a foster dog we had, and Scott adopted him. Well, Scott actually grew up in our town (he lives far away now) but he was visiting with his family this weekend, saw the "open house" sign and thought he would pop in and pay us a call!!!! Cooper didn't remember me, but that's OK... he is just totally in love with Scott!!! (what do you think about that Aileen!!!)

Just as it should be.... friends in the dining room, enjoying good conversation and snacks!!!!
(the "gentleman" waving in the back ground is one of the "Ds!!!!!)
The first of many, many parties in this house... a great omen!!!!
whhhaaa. the day got away from me, and I nver got over! I was sad when I realized that the day was done, and i had missed out... ill have to request a personal tour some day soon!
Everything is looking GREAT!
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