Once Ed got all the foam boards/radiant heat 'stuff" done in his garage, we moved into the cellar.
This part of the project was a bit "trickier" because we have stone in the cellar verses the compacted sand in the garage. We spent an entire day, leveling out the stone and getting the foam boards down. It was a lot of work, but it looked so nice when everything was in place. 

This is the part of the cellar area that will be the kennel. Our guest dogs will be toasty warm with the radiant heat floor underneath them. Sadie and I are also toying with the idea of opening a small doggie day care.. as far as I can tell, there aren't any in our area and it might do well. Course that is something we will check further into once we are settled in the house.

Once the foam board is all in place, next comes the part of running the tubing that the warm water runs thru... thus making the heat. Ed took a few minutes to study the "pattern" that needed to be laid out. It's not "rocket science", but you do need to know "where" you are going so that the tubing runs from point A and then back to point A again. You also have to be careful that you run only about 220 feet per "zone"... so, it all takes a bit of pre-planning.
It looks a bit like a "hodge podge" right now, but it's all coming together quite well. This is where all the tubing will enter into the "manifold" and then from there go onto the furnace...
We talked to the man that will be doing the cement work... and we should have the cement floor poured on Friday...
that will make a big difference!!!!
having that map will be ever so helpful if you ever have to do reno or construction in the basement... bill couldnt find our and held his breath when he had to drill into the concrete for the new walls down here... thankfully he didnt hit a tube, but what a mess that would have been! you'll be thankful to have it if you ever need it. learn from our lesson and keep it in a safe spot!
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