Not only is it "more comfortable" to work from a lift, but it's much safer and faster. The time that it will save makes it worth the "investment" of the rent.

this pictures shows the "false" front doors on the garage. It is designed to make the garage look like an old barn attached to the house. I can't believe what a different look it gives to the place.
The birdies on the farm are doing well. The keets are getting big and have some of their feathers coming in. They are really beginning to go thru some food now.

the turkeys are growing at an amazing rate. I don't hear "peeping" any more... they are beginning to make that "gobble" sound. And sadly, we did loose one last week, we aren't exactly sure what happened, but we fear that it may have been killed by the others... the food bin was quite low and they were picking on each other. We will be careful not to let that happen again... turkeys are kind of mean creatures, so you have to be sure that everyone has enough space and plenty of food and water.

"the girls" seem pretty happy in their outside pen. We are still getting an egg a day... I like to save them up during the week and have a special breakfast with their eggs on the weekends.

and I think that the barn swallows should have made a bigger home. All of their babies have survived, and I believe there are six of them. I don't think it will be too long before the flying lessons will begin!! they look pretty crowded in that nest!!!
and speaking of flying, check out the next two blogs... one of the plane that landed several times on the lake this morning, and the other is of pictures that Dale took tonite as she was flying over the farm.....
1 comment:
this post sure gave me a lift- i logged on from my new phone and browsed as I hosed Beau this mornig, it really helped to pass the time... im glad to see things progressing so nicely at sweetgrass farm! but im guessing you are doing inside chores today!
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