The hay has been really late this year due to all the wet weather we have been having. On a good year, you can get hay in by the middle of June... and off year.. by the fourth of July... but this year.. simply getting it in has been a real concern.

Friday was a beautiful day, and so was Saturday... Ed and I had a pretty good idea that Father would be cutting. We made a dump run in the afternoon and sure enough, Father had been cutting all morning and was beginning to bale. His two sons, Harold (the current fire chief) and Pete, plus two other friends, Jimmy and his son, were all helping Father. One load of hay was already stacked and sold, but they were working on "ours". Ed and I ran home to get the trailer (hats and gloves!!!) and headed back to the field. Actually I hung around camp for a bit waiting for the new renters to come... so by the time I made it to the field, the trailer was nearly full of hay.

Fortunately, we put a big load in last year. Having never bought hay for a whole year before, and not being sure of what we would really need... I decided to err on the "more" side. I have felt very blessed in that we still have a good pile of hay in the barn, because some of my other horse friends have been in a bit of a panic. I have been able to help them out, and still keep us in a good place.

We were a bit "worried" about getting the hay up to the loft... the sky was beginning to look "rainish" and we had the elevator to get down (that thing is HEAVY and I really can't manage it). We asked the guys if they would give us a hand with the elevator, and got even more... they were all willing to come and help us put the hay up!!!! (what a blessin
g!!!)... With the five of them, and Ed, the hay flew into the loft, I was planning on helping, but found it was easier to stay out of the way and just count bales!!! I can't believe how fast they got it in!!!!

We still have at least two loads coming in, but now, between last year's left over supply and the start of this year... the hay loft "looks much better".... Now, if this weather can just hang in there a week or two... it would give all the hay men a chance to catch up!!!! Let's hope.................
1 comment:
AHH. Im still waiting on mine... and i can tell you, watching the pile dwindle down is pretty alarming! I know a lot of folks got a cutting in last week, and im a bit miffed as to why ours didnt make it, but i will keep fingers crossed that the week of thunder showers holds off for a few days so I can get mine!
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