DOGS!!! Kas and Nate have gone off to a wedding, so we are "grand dog sitting"... never realized just how big a Chessie is, until it lives in a very tiny house with you!!!! I had a lot to do at the farm today, so it meant loading everyone up in the truck.
have wondered just how many could fit in the truck.. the answer today was.... eight!!!!

Work is going well with the house, despite the pain that Ed has been dealing with. The latest kidney stone is a whooper, and tomorrow he heads in for surgery that will prepare him for another "blasting" which will happen next week. All the vinyl siding has arrived, and all week, Ed and Ken have been working on getting the house ready for the siding.
Ed was hoping that there might be some of it up
this week, but between the weather, and his health, they have fallen "behind in their schedule.
Even still, just the Tarvex makes a huge difference in the look of things... it's so neat and white... can't wait to see what the real thing will look like...
I also REALLY can't wait to have some of these piles put into place!!! It will be so nice when you can truly see the front of the house!!!
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