Monday - the 28th- was Ed's first official day as the Fire Chief here in town. He has been so excited for this day, and in just the few days that the "town has been his".. he already knows how much he will enjoy this. He has received a lot of support from not just his new fire company, but many of the town folks, and of course, many of our friends and his firefighter buddies from all over.
To celebrate "his" day, Sadie and I picked up a little cake and brought it home the other evening. Now, you might notice that there is a small "bite" taken out of the cake...
Well, Banjo!!!! Sadie decorated the cake at Kassy's while I was teaching dog classes. Then Sadie and Kas got busy with something else, and not paying attention, Banjo just thought he would "test" that cake for us. silly dog!!!!

So we brought it home.. and I don't think that Ed really minded that his grand doggie had already had a taste!!!
There will probably be future stories of my Ed as Fire chief....
OK... so I have probably gone a little over the edge when I tell you this next story. Camille for some reason, is in love with COWS!!! Maybe it's because she looks a little like one with her brown and white.. or maybe it's because we have horses and not cows... I don't really know what the thing is here, but she loves them. When I drive over to my Tuesday night dog classes, I have found some wonderful back roads to use, taking us right thru cow country. The moment we turn onto the road, she sits right up and looks and looks for cows!!! Often times, she does get a little too excited and I

Yesterday, I had to run to the grain store before going to class. The tricky thing is, the grain store closes long before I need to get to class.. so, when I do this errand.. I have sometime on my hands.
As we were driving towards the grain store, I saw that in one of our cow fields, the cows were grazing very close to the road. So.. after I got the grain, I thought that if they were still close, I would pull over and let Cam enjoy them for a little while. She was absolutely beside herself.. and even though these pictures aren't great, you might notice that I had to keep the window up some, for fear she would jump right out of the truck to run and see them.

Now, I couldn't have anyone know that I had pulled over so my DOG could watch the cows. so... I got my cell phone out and pretended that I was talking on the phone. I was glad I did, because a number of cars passed by very slowly with the "do you have a problem?" look, and I just waved and smiled and continued to pretend that I was talking!!!!
I know, I know....... I've gone over the edge!!!! But the good thing you can know... If I will stop so my little dog can do some "cow watching".. I will probably be one of "those Grandmothers".. who do all sort of silly things like this for my grandbabies.. and Ed will be showing off the firetrucks....
Hey.. that's it... I didn't really stop for Cammie,... I was just practicing for the future!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh oh! Does this mean there are cow's in Sweetgrass Farm's future?? lol
I Love it, MMOOOOOO, Cow's! Congrats to you too Ed!
Congrats Ed! We have a pretty run down cow farm on either side of us (he uses fields on the other side, and they live up from us) his fencing is pretty bad down closer to our house, and periodically they get loose- the dogs LOVE it when they come to visit... Beau and I were "chased" twice down the road by loose cows. humm, dosnt make for quiet hand walking... but it sure is exciting!
I like to look at cows too so Camille and I would get along just great!
Congrats to your hubby, sounds like he is going to be doing just what he loves and that is so important!
Loved your pictures of the fair! Isn't it funny how the ferris wheel seems so much higher then when you were a kid!!! I just close my eyes and hang on for dear life!
Hey, She'd love to come down here! There's cows right across the field from us!!!
I bet Banjo loved the cake! ;)
Congrats to Ed!!
Okay-then, I am not the only one who will slow down so my dogs can look at things that interest them? That's good to know. LOL!
My red heeler absolutely loves driving down my mom's road-there are deer, cows in the winter...and he knows he is going to "grandma's" were he gets to be a full-on "ranch" dog. So I have a tendency to slow way down and roll his window down when I turn onto mom's road, so he can hang his head out the window and stare at everything. It cracks me up every single time when I watch him. He just gets so excited it's hilarious.
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