The "new" docks are much lighter than the old wooden ones we used to have... but there really isn't anything "light" about them, and hauling them up on the shore required a real family effort. but, they're put away now and after today's weather (in the 40's and a real good wind blowing) we did chose the "better" day. -- thanks again everyone, we just can't do this job without all of you!!!!! We went to the "pub" for dinner and again, another evening that flew by.
This morning Ed and I went to church - Sadie was feeling a bit "punky" (her due date is tomorrow) so we left her home to rest. And after church, Ed thought it would be a good afternoon to mow our field. So, he put the mower deck on the tractor, hooked up his I-pod and was off mowing.

I puttered around the barn, doing chores and the like, and Betty came by for a visit. She hasn't had the chance to come to the barn in quite a while, so it was so nice to have the afternoon with her.

For sometime now, I have had in my mind, that I would like to have Camille drive in the cart with Mocha and I. So, today, after I made a few trips with Mocha, I got Camille and took her in the cart with us. She was quite good, and actually seemed to enjoy the ride once she got used to the idea. She sat quietly on the floor board (she wasn't too excited about sitting up on the seat) and actually it worked out better for me as well. So, it turns out that I might have a "driving dog" as well as a driving horse!!!!

We finished up around 5:00, and it was getting to feel rather cold. I tucked everyone into the barn, and Ed had finished mowing the field...

For sometime now, I have had in my mind, that I would like to have Camille drive in the cart with Mocha and I. So, today, after I made a few trips with Mocha, I got Camille and took her in the cart with us. She was quite good, and actually seemed to enjoy the ride once she got used to the idea. She sat quietly on the floor board (she wasn't too excited about sitting up on the seat) and actually it worked out better for me as well. So, it turns out that I might have a "driving dog" as well as a driving horse!!!!

We finished up around 5:00, and it was getting to feel rather cold. I tucked everyone into the barn, and Ed had finished mowing the field...
It was home to light the woodstove, have some supper, blog... and then maybe some popcorn and a good movie will be the perfect way to close the day....

Still on baby watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Great pictures!!! Sounds like you have been busy.
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