I'm not sure what's up with the ladybugs!!!! They are absolutely everywhere!!! and even though I like them very much.. they're kind of annoying. Just coming in from outside, you almost need to take the time to brush them off. They certainly liked the warm side of the house and barn, and considering that they are "lucky", we'll invite all the ones that would like to stay!!!!

Ed has fired up the outside wood furnace and we have heat in the house now. We need to.. since the plumber has finished his work and there is also water in the house... we're keeping it on a low temperature, just enough to take off the chill, and it's working very well. The house has a nice "feeling" about it... oh I can't wait to live there....

We had lunch together.........

Then went down to the barn to do chores and show Abbie around. We wanted to be sure that Mocha got to meet her "new owner"... course if the "new owner" had been awake.. well, that might have been a little more interesting. But Mocha seemed interested (or maybe it was just the funny hat that she was looking at!!!) Either way, one day if someone asks Abbie, "when where you first around horses".. she can truly say... "I was 5 days old".........
now is that thing one or thing two? haha... I can already see your little peep chasing them around saying "Gammie, the birdies!!!"
~soda pop~
Now thats what I call a Farm Raised Girl!
Gotta Love It!
I loved it when the county nurse came for our well-baby visits - then they discontinued that due to budget cuts. That cap is so cute it is killing me - was it truly inspired by a chicken?
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