It's fun to vote here in our little town. I did have to wait in line (well, wait for the one person that was ahead of me!!!) There are 8 voting booths, and your ballots go into a large wooden box with a sliding top.... no counting machines here!!! Ed and I didn't get to vote together yesterday, as he was working!!!! But, I guess when he went down the lady signing him in said "OH.. so you're the new fire chief".. which was kind of cool. I really do love living in a small town again... York was small town when I grew up there, but now it's large town, don't get me wrong, I still love York, but here is more like I remember as a child.

I just had to post this picture of Hunter and Trevor
sometimes they can be so "growly" with each other and do that "push you around" brother thing, but basically, they are quite bonded to each other, and I find them more like this than not.....
So.. what's this "working" thing with Ed. Well.. Cozy needed an extra driver for the "honey wagon" (aka stool bus... sucky truck.. whatever you wish to call it!!!) and since the holidays are fastly on the approach, a bit of pocket change is always nice.... so Ed said "sure".

It seems a bit "odd" to have him up and out so early in the am.. I fear that we have gotten a bit lazy on our "getting up in the morning" routine... but he is out the door bright and early. I - on the other hand - now have morning barn chores. Usually Ed does the breakfast feed and let out, which gives me the chance to do house things, like laundry, dogs, general picking up around the house.. and the like. Then on the weekends, I do morning chores and give him a few extra minutes to himself. This has been a great routine, but for the next few days.. it's all mine.

I don't mind morning chores, except for having to drive to the barn. I don't like getting into a cold truck after rolling out of a nice warm bed!!!! But the horses are always so happy to see me and I have the prettiest views driving down to the barn. Yesterday the frost was so heavy that it looked almost like.... snow(!!! - so not ready for that yet!!!) The sun was so bright and pretty at the farm.....

But, lakeside we were in a pretty thick fog...in fact, you couldn't even see the lake... which is only about 30 feet away from the camp!!!!

It took the better part of the morning before it burned off. And when it finally did, it was a beautiful fall day.
I did all the "usual" stuff, barn chores, housework, got some knitting time in... and then ran down to meet with Kas last night and pick up some supplies for Abbie's baby shower which is this weekend. I was running out the door as Ed was coming in, so we still didn't get anytime together!!!! busy days!!!! And being back on standard time, it's already dark by 5:00... but I have to say, I like seeing daylight in the mornings.. guess if it's not one thing... it's another.......
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