the nice thing about holding this party in the barn (where I teach dog classes) is that there is plenty of room for everyone. We usually get a pretty good crowd for this event, as the members bring their spouses and friends. We do it potluck style which is a guarantee that there will be LOTS of good food!!! The meeting is always a very short one, because it's nice just to have social event and catch up and talk - at regular meetings, you may not always have that time.

After the meeting and the "eats", it's onto our mystery auction. We bring wrapped gifts with clues and then bid on them. (and we donate the money to a "cause" of our choice).. this always brings a lot of laughing, because the gifts can be anything, so you just never know. I hit the jack pot this year though, and got a painting portrait. Maxine is quite an artist and she put in a gift certificate to do a painting of your dog.... and I won it!!! I have a couple of her paintings so I was very happy to get this one!!!

Course, baby Abbie came to visit for a bit. Kassy watched her so that Sadie could enjoy the bulk of the party, and brought her up later for everyone to see.

She was a big hit, especially with some of the little gals that were there. It so nice to see "kids" at the party... when I first joined the club, I (along with a couple of others) was the "new" Mom.. and now, dare I say, there is another new group of "little ones" showing up.....

Abbie was slightly less than impressed with all the fussing and fell asleep... she won't be like this next year!!! Sadie will more than likely be on her feet!!!

On Saturday, my sister Rachel had "all the Mom's and kids (cousins)" get together to go and see a movie. This was Naomi's very first movie and so it was a big event. We saw the "Princess and the Frog" and Naomi was just awed by the size of the movie screen!!! It was so much fun to just have some "family time" and do something all together.... we need to continue to do these types of things.

It wasn't Abbie's first movie (she had gone to the Christmas Carol) but she certainly was "more awake" for this one, and actually sat and watched the movie for a bit.
me to bell practice
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