Yes, another movie night!!! I don't know when we have ever seen so many movies in such a short time!!! and Valentine's Day to boot. Ed had asked me what I would like for Valentine's... my answer.. "nothing thank you!!!" I have everything I could possibly want..... and just being able to have this time together, building our house, enjoying our horses, being with our family.... there isn't anymore. To top it off, I (we) got a new harness for Mocha just last weekend, so that certainly could "qualify" as a Valentine's gift.....
I did however, find a beautiful card on the coffee pot this morning when I got in from doing barn chores... and that was pretty wonderful.
Tonite, we met up with Kelli and Rick... (friends, dog students, woodman!!!) and we went out to the movies. We had all seen "New In town" but really wanted to see it again, sadly, it has already left the theatres!!!! (good movies don't seem to stay long enough)... since it was gone, we thought we would give "Confessions of a Shopaholic" a try.
Another very "cute" movie... no language, no "detailed" scenes.... just fun, light and enjoyable. I still liked "New In Town" a little better, but this one goes on the "keeper list" too. Thank you to whoever has finally gotten their act together and is making some nice, decent movies!!!!!Sometimes they seem so few and far between!!!!
We had a great time with Kelli and Rick (HI GUYS!!!) we have so much in common and can talk about so many different topics... we definitely need more time together!!! It's nice that they live fairly close to us, and I hope that we can make this more of a "regular" outing!!! (hint, hint)...so, it was a nice Valentine's Day... and hope you all can say the same.....
Savanna wants to see this movie badly! At 9, im glad to know it would be an ok film to take her to. She is so much like the main character (or what you see in the trailer clips) its not even funny!
Well I rushed home from church just to see if their was a blog update. Kelli was waiting with my lunch but I couldnt wait to read "another movie". Even though I'm starving I was as usual glued to your blog.
I must say I agree... although it is a "chick flick" it is quite cute and the company was great!
I learned alot about Ed and you guys will probably get sick of me hanging around when Ed gets all his stuff set up. Between all the stuff I would love to help Ed out with, and the hosses I might as well just move it. HMMM...
Anyway can't wait to get together again good times.
Blessings, Rick.
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