Got a second coat of paint on the living room walls. I was already happy with the green, but now that we have an "even" coat, I like it all the better. This is how it looks with the afternoon sun - in what will be "Ed's corner" - actually his big comfy chair is in the basement and he would like to bring it up. I keep telling him "no" because I fear if that chair arrives, there might be more napping than working!!!! :o)
I had quite a busy day today. Abbie was with us, and this morning was my "Women's Fellowship" group. So, Abbie and I went to that. Then we went to the farm, and Ed came down and helped with barn chores. (thanks honey - it goes quick with both of us doing them!!!)

Because I needed to teach dog class tonite, I only had a couple of hours this afternoon for painting. I decided that I would do Abbie's room.. with the four "straight" walls, I thought I could get it done in a short time. (unlike the downstairs bathroom, which needs it's second coat, but takes so long to do) so, we opened up the paint and I got to work. Sadie has chosen a very soft pink for Abbie's bedroom.. I was unsure of it at first, but once it was done, I began to like it.

Camille kept a close eye on Abbie for us. Actually she did a good job of entertaining her as well... Abbie loves the dogs, and they feel the same way about her.

First coat done, it will need at least a second, and maybe third. This will make a cute little girl's room for sure. Sadie is thinking she would like a dark brown carpet, and then I would like to make the curtains for the windows... can't wait until we can do projects like that!!!!

.. after watching Abbie all day, the women's group, barn chores and painting a bedroom... it was time to teach three dog classes. Tonite was graduation night, so, really it wasn't a "teaching" night, just review and fun... but still...
Here's the puppy class!!!!

this was a quick learning class and we actually got into some advance work. They were so much fun to work with.. on top of that, they all had perfect attendance!!!!
1 comment:
Busy Yes, Blessed Yes, would you have it any other way? ;)
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