Now I have to get this blog brought up to date for my loyal readers, so here we go. Last Sunday Kas asked us down for a bite of supper, after having worked at the house all day (tiling a floor no less) we were pretty happy to accept that invitation. It was a hot day - just like summer - so, I said to Ed, let's take the bike!!! It was a great ride down, though once we hit the coast and that sea breeze, we actually had to pull over to put sweaters on.....

We had a nice supper and visit with all the Flagg's (Kas asked Deb and Dave as well)... the evening flew by and before we knew it, it was dark and we needed to get back to the farm.

The weather had really cooled off!!! I was glad that I had packed even more than just my sweater!!! I threw on another sweatshirt, and then Ed's firefighters vest on top of that. We thought the reflective tape would also help cars spot us.. I didn't know just "how reflective" it was until I saw this shot!!! The ride home was cool, but it was beautiful.. the moon was almost full and the traffic was light, so we really enjoyed it. We need to get out on the bike more this summer.. so many fun things await us!!!!!

Course, I would be working inside while we were having one of the best weeks weather wise. It was HOT!!! I was so bummed to get out for an hour lunch and see what I was missing. One lunch break I got home and found some pretty miserable dogs!!! I knew what they needed.. especially Trevor... a jump in the lake. All I had to say was "let's go swimmin'..." and there was a mad dash to the lake. Trev was the first one in and just swam in big circles....

Chester was pretty interested in all this activity. He sat on the shore for a while and watched, then got a big drink of water... Trev came up for a little break and as he headed back into the water, Chester seem to get his courage up......

And followed him in. He seemed a little surprised and unsure about it all, but he's a good swimmer.
He got back up on the shore, and decided that was enough for one day (and a first swim).. and sadly, it had to be enough because I needed to get back to work. Wished I could have joined them... but.... the post was waiting.....
I seem to have conveniently forgotten how I managed to fit everything in back when I had a full-time + overtime job, a kid, the horses, a home....
I do remember that when I moved home to the ranch in '06, I stayed at the ranch for 3 solid months, no t.v., no phone, no noise. I think I was kind of catatonic-LOL.
I much prefer my current lifestyle of spending the day with the horses, working on the new house and making sure there is supper ready when my honey gets home.
you go girl!
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