The children at the school had seen a number of "farm animals" thru the week, horses, goats and chickens to name a few. They are even raising some chicks in the class room.. so I thought that they might really enjoy meeting Beeker!!! We packed her into a crate, and brought her with us.

I knew that Beeker would be a big hit with the kids. She's just so "strange looking" , I figured the kids would get a big charge out of her. But what surprised me.. was how Beeker was with the kids!!! We had them in a big circle, and I placed her in the center and she did the rest.

She walked around the whole circle as though she were trying to say hello to each child. Everyone got to pet her and she stood nice and still so they could. (she didn't even poop!!!)

and she seemed to have a great time talking with this little chap!!!! She was quite the hit of the party!!!!

I also brought Mocha down. Some of the children remember her from last year, but they still enjoy seeing her. Course, I no sooner got her off the trailer when it began to rain. But, no loss there, I just walked her up the ramp of the school and the kids got to visit with her on the porch. No one got wet!!!

The rain did let up a little, so it was back down the ramp and on the lawn where there was more room for everyone.

Some where in this "pile of kids" is a miniature horse!!! I am so glad she is "safe" with kids, my biggest worry is that she might step on their toes, but other than that, she is so very good with the kids!!!!

After animal visits, the kids came in for snack. Abbie was in her glory "crawling" around the school room... the kids were great with her as well...

And then it was home again. The big horses were happy to have Mocha back, especially Silver, she's his little mare to be sure. I love Farm Week at school, I love bringing the animals out and sharing them with the kids!!!! We;ll plan on this again next year!!!

I just have to share this picture with you all. This painting is a NEADS dog - Dango - who is a veteran's dog... and prints are being made for a fund raiser. I just think it's speaks volumes!!!
if anyone is interested in getting a print of this painting, go t0 the NEADS website and you can get the info... I am certainly planning on having one for myself!!!
I would have loved to be there with you, these are the things that make up my heart! I just love Beeker, what a little sweetie and the rest. Once I took our little pygmy goat to school for the kids, they loved it! I Love that painting too..it really touches the heart!
You have a wonderful Mothers Day! Come say hi :D
These pics are something else..love them all especially the little boy looking at M Beeker "priceless"..it's wonderful of you to take the animals to the school..the children really love it !
The painting really choked me up..it speaks for itself..
Good job everyone, this farm stuff should not be overlooked in schools...
Alot of todays generation has no idea what is involved or how previous generations lived.
Sweegrass Farm is a Blessing!
I don't blame you for being proud of Beeker - a wonderful ambassador for Farm week!
The house is looking great, btw (I've been catching up). I really like the color you went with in the sewing room...
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