the past couple of years, I have missed out on "berry season".. so when I saw the ads for "strawberries", I thought.. this year I am going to take the time to go and pick. I love berry picking, and then freezing those beauties to pull out on a cold winter day and have the taste of summer. Take a look at this year's harvest.. they are as good as they look, and I think that I will probably take another morning to go out and get some more!!!! Yummy!!!!
Sporting her very fine "berry hat" Abbie was all set to go and see what this was all about!! Next year, she'll be harder to watch with all those wonderful berries, but might as well learn this young!!
The fun part was, both my sister Rachel, and my Kassy had the week off from work. So, we all went together.. Rachel and Naomi.. Sadie and Abbie.. Kas and I. We had a great time just being together and doing something that we all enjoy.
Now, since she just turned four on Monday, Naomi was quite certain that the "best" berries would be found in row # 4.. and off she went, basket in hand to find her treasures.....
I think she hit the jackpot!!!
She certainly found the biggest berry out of any of us. She was pretty proud to have this, and quickly gobbled it down after this photo!!!!
It didn't take baby Abbie too long to figure this out as well. I love how she is sneaking into Mom's box when she's not looking.....
Success!!! a berry just for her!!!
After that, she was off to find her own. I bet she's pretty happy that she has the crawling thing down. She was scooting up and down the rows and we had to really keep an eye on her. No telling how many berries she actually ate!!!
"Berries?? what berries?? how did you know that I ate berries?"
Yup, I know that pink stained face well. I always feel a little sheepish going up to the stand to pay wondering how red my lips are as i gaze over the kids faces and figure the cashier has got to know you each just ate your body weight out there in the field! Yumm.
Awww-Abby is so adorable Sue. You sure do get some great shots of her.
Meg loves strawberries. I cannot imagine turning her loose in a patch like that-LOL. She would come out looking like Abby.
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