The little girls were invited to dress as their favorite princess... and then, who should appear but four "big princess as well".. Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The little Mermaid and Pocahontas... The girls had such a good time *(big and little)....
Here is the "smallest princess" of all....
Rachel had a pinata for them to break open. It was full of candies, beads and "jewels".. They had such fun with that, and if you look closely, you'll see that Chester was hoping to get in on the fun as well.
I brought Chester along because I thought it would be a good training experience for him. Little excited girls, with lots of activity and noise... perfect. Rachel had also put up a "jumpy house" for the kids. They spent a good deal of the afternoon hopping about (great way to burn off the sugar!!!). I wasn't too sure what Chester would think of that big bouncy thing.....
but when he tried to climb inside so he could be with the kids... I guess that pretty much told me everything. Jumpy houses.. no problem....
After the party, I had told a friend that I would come and move a horse for them. She told me that she needed a "big trailer". When I saw the size of the horse... she wasn't kidding!!!! He made Duke look small!!! At first I wasn't so sure that my trailer was big enough either....
But with a little bending of the head, and some coaxing, we got him on. Fortunately he has been trailer a lot, so once he was settled, he rode like a perfect gentleman.
And that pretty much "used up the Saturday"... didn't get any work done on the house, but you know, sometimes you just have to play.
I cannot believe you got that horse in that trailer. Amazing.
Adorable princesses! We've got one here, her current favorite is sleeping beauty.
Cute party! Looks like the girls had a blast!
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