The doors are simply getting a coat of poly... I like the natural look on them. Since all of them had to be taken off for the carpet and flooring to go down, I told myself that they wouldn't go back up without being done. I fear that if we put them back without doing them, it would be one of those jobs that might be "easy to forget"... so, I am hanging tough and no door goes into place without being totally ready to go. Since I am anxious to get doors in place and out of piles, they have been a big focus for me....
Now, Ed and I have had several conversations about the dogs and how we are going to "contain" them at the farm. We have a nice back yard with a walk out cellar, so I have been thinking a good fence would be the best choice. Ideally I would like a nice six foot chain link fence, but since we have so much landscaping to do, that isn't practical right now.

We had also talked about the invisible fence. The dogs are all trained to that - we have one at camp, and it would be an easy transition for them. But, then, I think about when the chickens and guinea hens are in the back yard.. and "our" family of wild turkeys, and I wasn't so sure the invisible fence would really suit our needs. I would also one day, like to have a small doggie daycare here.. and certainly will need a "real fence " for that. So, the dilemma continues. But, we have come up with an idea that will work for now... a temporary fence made of good strong wire.

It's not very tall, but it will contain the cockers well, and when we get to the landscaping, it can be easily moved. Camille wasn't too impressed with this idea, she has been used to running about the back yard all she pleases. It was tested when the chickens and the guineas made their daily walk to the back, Camille couldn't reach them.

But, I was very please with the fence idea when this "neighbor" showed up... Mr. Porcupine!! and let me tell you, pictures don't do him justice.. he is honestly almost as big as the cockers. He lumbered out of the woods and was happily munching on the clover in the back yard, very close to the fence.

This is a mature "porky" and the white tips of his quills are nearly as large as tooth picks. I would HATE to think what the vet bill would be if one of the dogs had a run in with this fellow. I hope that we can live in peace with this guy, he has obviously been here for a long time, and I don't mind him being around if we can come to an understanding... so, it will remain to be seen. He seems to come around late in the afternoon, and if I can keep that in mind, we'll just be sure no dogs go out that time of day.

No sooner had Mr. Porky left when who showed up but "junior"... This little chap is much smaller that the other, but those quills mean business as well. I don't think this guy will be around as much as the big guy will be, he is quite skittish and took off moments after I got this photo. I think that when he figures out dogs are here, he'll find somewhere else to go... maybe....
But that idea of a good six foot fence is looking better all the time....so that will more than likely be put on the project list!!!!
1 comment:
wow! good thimg u got ur fence up when u did! i've never seen a porky. that close. neat that u got pics of them.
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