"What is this?? Are you kidding, more of them???"

"What's that you say, Annabelle? Some thing's up... OHHHH... I see"

"Hey girls, have you heard the rumor..."

"We heard it!!!! Yahoo...... it's about time!!!!"

"The door is open!!! We are free... we can go where ever we want, see the world.. check out the barnyard!!!" "Hurray, hurry!!!!!"

"Now just one moment everyone, this is MY barnyard, and just so everyone has it straight, I am the king around here and you must do as I see fit. What do you even know about the outside world"

"Ah, see here, my fine gentleman... if the door is open and we choose to go out.. then out we go.. I don't see where you have any say about that"

"Wow, look at all the room... look at all the things to eat and see.. this is great!!!"

"and now if things aren't bad enough, there is another CAT on the other side of the plow? First more free chickens, and now a cat.. what is my place coming too??"

"See here, Mona, you stay on your path, I'll stick to mine and everything will work out just fine... thank you very much"

"goodness, my life of peace and quiet has just gone out the window... house cats coming out to the barn.. more chickens pecking about and guinea hens trying to control everything.... think this might be a good time for a nap"
1 comment:
Too cute. :o)
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