My life (our life) is all about "wood" these days... it's actually a project we should have started back in September, but guess what.... we didn't. So, we're scrambling now. At least in the cooler weather, you keep hustling to stay warm, and the "wood" projects are going pretty well. Ed and I have been working on clearing a spot near our wood furnace... (yes, that is what heats our home - no oil furnaces here!!!) With the spot cleared, he wants to put up a "tent building" that we will keep all our wood under cover. Then he has another area where - one day - he'll get some tree length logs from Rick and we can cut and split our own fire wood. Not that we don't mind buying it cut and split, but it's cheaper to go tree length. This year it will all be bought cut and split, but next year we hope to be further ahead and doing it ourselves.

I still have this nice pile of wood at the camp, and have slowly been moving it to the farm. We bought this wood back when we moved and fortunately - I have never used it all. It's perfect for the little stove in the house, so, before snow falls I need to have it all at the farm.

It's a good project to do when Abbie is with me. She loves to be in the truck, and sits and talks to me while I load the wood and we travel back and forth. When we have time, we can move as much as four loads... and by then, I've had enough of that "fun"....

Do our horses live in luxury???? One sunny afternoon.. this was my Tonka...
"ah, yes...feeling a bit sleepy"
"Just can't hold my head up any longer"

"I'm done..................."

Just curious, any of my "barn gals" out there want THIS in their back yard. We came across this outstanding barn in our travels.... talk about stunning!!!!!

and a round barn to boot!!!! I understand this place is open during the summer for tours... guess you know what's on my list "to do" next year!!!! They certain knew how to do it right back in the day....
Yes Tonka has it made!!!
I'm not one of your barn "gals" but I would Love that in my back yard... when can we go see?
Sign me up!!! I'll pick up Rick and we'll all go!
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