I thought instead, since we had Sunday as the day after Christmas (Boxing day) that maybe we could extend the holiday a little longer and I asked everyone to come and have a Christmas turkey with us. The only drawback was.. a winter storm was heading for New England and timing was going to be everything.

We had saved some gifts out for Abbie, so she got another morning of gift opening. This actually worked out really well, because having just a few gifts at time, kept her from being overwhelmed and she got to really see her new things and enjoy them. Besides it was just great to have a little one opening presents here!!!

Around lunch time, family and friends began to arrive. I knew that some would not make it, worried about the snow beginning, but it sure was wonderful to have folks here.

As I have said, having the house filled with people is one of the best things in the world!!! People stayed as long as they dared... but the late leavers did call back to say the storm had arrived and they were glad they had left when they did.

We are in for a "real" New England Nor'easter... and I'm glad it held off as long as it did. I'm glad we didn't have that worry on Christmas day, and that we had most of Boxing day to be together...
the "cousins" certainly had a good time..... and now we head into the last week of the year... 2011 is just around the corner!!!!
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